Terms & Conditions

When booking an appointment you will agree to Erin Ryan Skin’s Terms and Conditions.

We understand the difficulty involved in attending appointments occasionally, however it is essential for us to uphold the below policies in the interest of our locally owned Clinic.

We appreciate your understanding.


  • No-shows and last minute cancellations enormously disadvantage both our business and other clients. They mean that clients on our wait list cannot book those time slots with us and miss out.

  • Our expert therapists dedicate their time specifically to look after you.


  • We understand that sometimes you may need to change your booking – we kindly request 48 hours notice so that we can offer that time slot to another client.

  • Your deposit will be held for your next booking, or refunded. However, if you don’t provide us with 48 hours notice or you fail to turn up for your appointment, you may send a friend or family member in your place and we will happily accommodate them! Otherwise your deposit will be forfeited.

  • We cannot accept messages left on Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays as sufficient notice, as we will not have enough time to try to rebook your time slot.

  • If you do not wish to pay a booking fee you are more than welcome to try your luck on the day, with whichever therapist is available – but please know that we are unable to allocate a specific therapist or time slot for you in advance.

  • We sincerely appreciate your understanding and we will continue to try to keep things fair for all of our guests.

  • Failing to confirm attendance will result in your appointment being cancelled. We must receive confirmation by our automated system; replying ‘yes’ to your confirmation message sent 3 days prior, shall confirm your booking.

  • We will attempt to contact clients three times before cancelling appointments if there is no confirmation. If we do not hear by the end of the business day, 2 days prior to the scheduled time, it will be cancelled.

  • Failing to attend your appointment will forfeit your deposit. If a deposit had not been paid, a 50% fee of your appointment will incur.

  • Erin Ryan Skin reserves the right to cancel any future appointments as necessary.


  • Running late to your appointment puts stress on our Therapist’s schedule. Please notify us as soon as possible to see if we can accommodate.

  • If your appointment has to be rescheduled because we are unable to fit you in, this is recognised as a no show & the booking charges will apply as above.If your Therapist decides they can see you, but has to reduce treatment to prevent interrupting other client appointments, the original charge will still apply.

  • It is not acceptable to show up late & to ask for a reduced treatment, while excepting to be charged for the lesser time.

  • Booking in for a particular service & then changing your mind as to what service you require is not acceptable. We designate the correct time for each client, if you request for a lesser treatment the original booking will be charged. If you request for additional treatments, please discuss with your therapist to see if this can be accommodated.

  • Letting us know ahead of time if there is a possibility of needing to reschedule is much appreciated. It is likely we can accommodate moving you to a more appropriate time if several days’ notice is given.

  • It is the client’s responsibility to make sure we have correct contact details when booking. Please provide us with more than one contact number if your regular contact is often unattended.

  • If you act in any way that is abusive towards employees, we have the right to deny service & to ask clients to leave the premises.

  • We do our best to accommodate last minute changes, however because of the demand on our Therapists we only provide a tight window for genuine circumstances. If the booking policy is not suitable, we advise not going ahead with the booking.


  • All Gift Vouchers are valid for 3 years from date of purchase.

  • For this reason we can only sell Gift Vouchers as a dollar value and not a specific treatment or promotion.

  • Please note we do not offer refunds on Gift Vouchers.

  • Erin Ryan Skin gift vouchers cannot be used on Cosmetic Injections with Yvette Goodwin

  • Package Purchases are valid for 12 months.

  • Package treatments will expire after this time.

  • Package Purchases are non-refundable and non-transferable.

  • Please be aware if you book in for a treatment to use your Gift Voucher or a treatment from your Package Purchase and you don’t show or give us less than 24 hours notice to cancel, the voucher or treatment does become void.


  • We kindly ask that you turn your mobile phone to silent whilst in the clinic.


  • Sadly we are not able to accommodate babies, toddlers or young children for Insurance and OHS reasons. We write this with the utmost respect to the parents in our Clinic.

  • Children/babies who visit the Clinic during their parents’ appointments pose an occupational health and safety issue to our staff & clients. We work in an environment that has sharps, razors, chemicals, lasers & hot wax.

  • We encourage parents to visit the clinic without their children, please understand that our concern is the safety of your child and our clients well-being. We write this without the intent of offending or upsetting our lovely parent clientele, and hope that you will aid us in keeping our clinic a safe environment. Please contact us if you have concerns or questions about our new policy.